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Happy Holidays to you and your family!


Hopefully your holiday season hasn't involved any snowballs to the face.

Have a relaxing time together with your family this week and I will be doing the same.

Our younger daughter Claire has been home from college for a week now, and Ella will be arriving on the 26th from Texas. She and her boyfriend Sam, moved to San Marcos this summer so he can attend graduate school. They are hosting his parents for Christmas, but it works out great for our family because my husband's family gathering isn't until Saturday. Claire and I are baking today and will prepare a charcuterie board this afternoon for Rick's mother and uncle who are coming over later for snacks and a tour of Christmas lights around Olympia. They are 92 and 101 respectively, and really enjoy the opportunity to get out and about as Violet is limited to driving to church and Fred Meyer. They will join us for a formal dinner tomorrow which we really enjoy preparing for them. I'll share pictures and recipes after Christmas.

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