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Take the RESTART class for FREE!


Have you been wondering about this RESTART class but haven't checked out my webpage or the RESTART website?

It's literally one of the most powerful tools out there for you to make more informed choices about the foods you eat and how and why they are beneficial. it's also the best option for taking a real break from sugar for 3 weeks because of the support, education, and cookbook this class provides.

This 5 week class is an awesome blend of accurate nutrition information, interesting discussions, and a different fruit-infused water to sample each week.

If the RESTART class schedule hasn't been a good fit for your busy lifestyle, consider this option -

host the class in the comfort of your own home with 5+ of your friends/family, you get the class for free.

You and I can customize all 5 classes to work for everyone in the group - even if we don't meet at the same time and day each week. It's relaxing and easier for you and your peeps.

Lastly, because I value education, all educators and students always get a 20% discount.

I'm open to other creative options as well - I can come to you and your group - at your church, for example.

Hit me up with your ideas - I'm all ears.


RESTART has helped thousands of people across the US improve their health through food.

Here's just one success story:

"Thanks so much for the restart program! I have gotten so much improvement in my health, it’s just unbelievable! These behavior changes came easily to me when following the Restart program: I no longer crave sweets and soft drinks and I’ve learned to enjoy drinking water. I actually look forward to my trips to the Y, I really miss going when I can’t get there. My food cravings moved away from junk, to more healthy foods. I actually cook some of my food now, instead of always eating out, and I’m saving money as a result. Thanks again for this incredible program. I have recommended it to many of my friends. ” Rocky

Contact me to schedule a private class with your friends so you get the class for FREE!


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